Wharf Directory
Refuel, Repair and Relax!
Indulge in a culinary adventure at Bermagui Fishermen's Wharf, where you'll find a delightful diversity of seafood options, bars, restaurants, and cafes offering the finest local produce. Our commercial retail tenants include fashion, art and holiday accommodation.
In addition to our Wharf building, our other commercial tenants in the vacinity include Bermagui Boat Repairs with their slipway and chandlery, as well as a range of guided and private charter options for angling, game fishing and whale watching.
Experience all this and more at Bermagui Fishermen's Wharf!
Wharf Building:
Businesses located within the Wharf building
See Wharf Building map for further details on location within the building.
1 | Shop 1 | Watch this space. | ||
2 | Bluewave Seafood Takeaway | Monday to Sunday 9:00AM - 7:00PM | (02) 6493 5725 | |
3 | Pineapple House Boutique | Monday to Saturday 10:00am - 4:30pm. Sunday 11:00am - 4:30pm | 02 6493 5686 | |
4 | Bermagui Gelati Clinic | 9:30am - 4:30pm 7 Days | 0404 813 323 | |
5 | il Passaggio Modern Italian Restaurant | 5pm til late | (02) 6493 5753 | |
6 | Harbar | Thursday to Sunday from 4pm. | (02) 6493 3410 | |
7 | Shop 7 ArtSpace Gallery | 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday to Monday. |
0419 503 126 | |
8 | Marine Rescue Bermagui (VMR) | No visitation hours, 24-hour Radio monitoring.Channel 16 on VHF or Channel 88 on 27MHz. | 02 6497 8100 | |
9 | The Sundeck Cafe | Open daily from 9.00am, Closed Thursday | 02 6493 3668 | |
10 | Butterfield Property and Holiday Letting | 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday | 02 6493 3444 |
Lift out of order
Wharf Building Directory
Commercial outlets of the Wharf building in Shop order.
As per the Precinct Map below.
Commercial tenants located within the Wharf Precint and Berths
See Precint Map for further details on location within the building - Coming Soon!

BlueWave Seafood
Ph: (02) 6493 5725
Hours: 7days
9:00AM - 7PM
BlueWave Seafood is Dine In & Take Away fish and chip shop offering a a variety of fresh, cooked and frozen produce.

Watch this Space!
Ph: Coming Soon!
Url: Coming Soon!
Hours: Coming Soon!
Ph: (02) 6493 5686
10am - 4:30pm Monday - Saturday
11:00- 4:30pm Sunday
Retail: Eurpean designer fashion and coastal wear.

Bermagui Gelati Clinic
The Harbar
Ph: (02) 6493 3410
From 4pm Thursday to Sunday Closed Monday to Wednesday.
Cocktails, Beer and Wine with a view.
ArtSpace Gallery
Hours: 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday to Saturday
Gallery: Local and Traditional Art, paintings and sculptures.
Hours: No visitation hours, 24-hour Radio monitoring. Channel 16 on VHF or Channel 88 on 27MHz.

Wharf Boardroom
Ph: (02) 6493 4575
Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Boardroom with basic facilities and 14 pax conference table.
Butterfield Property
Ph: (02) 6493 3444
Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday- Weekends by appointment.
Property Sales, Rentals and Holiday Accommodation.
Centre Directory
Click the image to view or download full size a PDF version of the Centre Directory Map with Key.
Lift out of order
Wharf Precinct Directory
Commercial charters and businesses of the Wharf precinct.
Click the charter logo for their full website or call directly to book a charter.
Wharf Precint Directory
For more information about local businesses, see the
Phone: 02 6493 3054
3-5 Bunga Street,
Bermagui NSW 2546
Sapphire Coast Adventures
Ph: (02) 6495 1686
Seasonal whale watching charters from Friday - Mondays.
Whale Watching and Scenic Charters
Ph: 0428 489 181
Slipway, boat repairs, antifouling, engine repiars and a wide range of marine supplies (chandlery).

Fish Bermi
Ph: (02) 64935444
Fishing and whale watching charters. Bait & Tackle, fishing gear, online store.